Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The compliment people

To connect with compliment people I think is not so easy to do. I think this because it is not everyday that you go outside and compliment everyone you see. One thing that we should do everyday is at least say a nice thing to a person. It is not nice to walk around and say means thing to each other, then the world would be a mad place.

Another thing, if we all said mean things to each other we would all feel horrible and want to go home and never leave the house again, and in the worst cases we would want to go home and kill ourselves! Our population would drop so much and we would have less and less people on the planet. Of course we would still have feelings, why wouldn't we? It's not like we are a complete different speices. There are so many reasons why we should respect each other and be nice.

So I am very glad that the compliment people just go outside and ask for nothing in return just the smiles on other people's faces. You could say that that is what they live on. They are like vampires just they don't drink blood the "feed" off people's smiles when they walk by and give them a random compliment.

As the compliment people said in the video, there is always something postive and good that you can compliment on in a person. You can compliment anyone with about anything that they have. Their body shape, clothes, shoes, teeth, smile, phone, bike, etc. The list goes on and on, like on big long line that you draw on paper, you choose when the line stops, and when it starts again.

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