Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kristallnacht - The Night of the Shattered Glass

Kristallnacht (crystal night) was a turning pointing in world history. Kristallnacht happened on the 9th to 10th of november in 1938 in Germany. The nazis were becoming more and more powerfulas they gained new members to continue their plan. The nazi's took stones and threw them at all jewish shops in Germany. They ransacked 1,668 synagogues and 267 were burnt.

I personally am ashamed of this event, for I am German. But I must live with the past and learn from my country's mistakes. I feel that when Germany was first humiliated, many Germans didn't know what to do. If I were in that position, I would be angry that someone could humiliate Germans like that and walk away. I, like other people, would want someone to blame for this problem I for one would want to show people that not all Germans are bad and that Germany is a awesome country (In my opinion).

At this time I think that the nazis were using propaganda as a tool to make people of Germany believ that they were doing what was best for Germany. Naturaly everyone wanted to blame someone and so they listened to Hitler when he said " Es ist die Judens schuld" (its the jews fault). Most people that where in the middle class voted for Hitler because he had a good reason and wasn't threatning them in any way.

When Kristallnacht accured, many jews had to make a choice; First, they could have made the choice to leave the country and flee. Another choice is to resign from the nazi party and to stand up for your religon. Most people left the country because of all the soldiers and the concentration camps.

If I would have been alive back then I wouldn't be in danger because I am a 100% German. although my parents would have to make choices and vote and my brothers would be forced to join the Hitler Youth Movement if they didn't join because they wanted to. If I would be a jewish person at that time I would be terrified and run and flee. I am not a brave little soldier like my brothers would have become.

Luckily nothing like this can ever happen again because we know how something like this will start and we know that we must act quickly.

Picture: I chose this picture because I wanted people to see how horrible the Nazis were to the jews. They burnt there place of worship.

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