Sunday, January 10, 2010

New year's resolution

New Year's Resolution
  1. To stop watching TV when ever I am bored
  2. Try and become an A student not a B student
  3. I what to go more outside and do stuff with my friends

The Days Before Christmas

I was so excited when we first came too Germany. I was staring out the window and was waiting to see something that would amuse me. But then I saw it! I finally, it was snowing in Germany! Well it always snows in Germany It's just that my family and I always miss it.

The first thing that I did when we arrived was have a snowball fight with my two brothers and my sister, Strangely our neighbor joined from his balcony. After I got Hit by a few snowballs I got a bit cold so I went inside, made myself a cup of hot chocolate and sat in front of the fireplace.

A two days later my big brother found a hill where we could sled down. We ran to the house and grabbed two sleds It was awesome, we even sledded down the skateboarding raps. Once we came home we were all freezing cold so we changed and played a board game.

A few days before Christmas, my big brother, my sister, and I started to make a snowman. It was really fun. Sadly I didn't have any snow proof mittens so I was freezing, I let my siblings do most of the work. Then they let me choose what to use for the eyes and the nose etc. I couldn't find a carrot or buttons so I just used Hazelnuts for both.

When Christmas came we thought that it would be the best one, but sadly it didn't snow. The only thing that came from the sky was, rain. So our Christmas didn't end out perfect, but we can always hope for next year.

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