Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mankind is no island (Video)

This video moves me. I love everything about it. The music, the idea, and even the way the person has set up this video. I also believe that this music is composed by the person who made this, not copied off a website.

Anyway, this video is mainly about how great cities still have flaws. Mainly showing us that everyone has flaws, it is the one of the only things that make us human. This video connects to me personally by experience. When I was 5 I saw a man on the street and he had a problem with his head. It was all deformed and strange. I asked my mom if we could give some money to the guy so he could get proper medical attention.

This was a very important moment in my life when I learned that we are all equal. I helped that man because he had a pleading look in his eye. He was just as scared as I was from him. Now I can remember this moment but I can't remmber what I did on that day and where I was. This is very strange for a person to remember childhood, but sometimes, it comes natural. :)

There are many ways I could connect to this video but sadly I can't explain them very well because my memory isn't the best from my youger ages. Also everything that was cool always happened when I was young.

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