Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mystery Bag, Mystery Me

Big B my teddy, my favorite book, my cat Karlo, a picture of my family, my cow cup, a stuffed animal emu, a picture of Germany, a picture of snow, my ipod, and my laptop. What do those items say about me? Why would I take these items and not something else?

Big B, he is my most loved teddy bear. I got him in the US in Texas when I was 9. It was Christmas day. I woke up around 8:00 am and went downstairs to the Christmas tree. On the couch, I saw a huge teddy bear. He didn’t have a tag on him, and I was the only one who asked for a giant teddy bear, so it must have been for me. I was so excited, I thought that I would name him Big B (Big Bear). Now a days Big B still sleeps in my bed, but he has gotten very old. Every month or so I have to sew up a pretty big hole. Big B shows that I love animals. Its sort of a thing with me.

1 book, I would choose I book because I like to read sometimes. I would take my favorite book, which is The Little House in the Big Woods. I found this book in the Elementary Library. I was looking for a good book, when one of my friends said that I should get The Little House in the Big Woods. I trusted her so I checked out the book. I loved the book and couldn’t get my nose out of it. I read it everywhere. At the breakfast table, during lunch, in bed, just everywhere.

My cat Karlo, he is the coolest cat in the world. I was only 4 when I got him, or should I say, found him. I was inside playing with my doll and my mom heard scratching at the door. She opened it and a cat ran inside and jumped on the couch. He was so cute! My mom thought that he was only a few weeks old. She asked my dad if we could keep him, and when he saw him he just couldn’t saw no. We had a lot of trouble naming him, until my brother, Stefan said that we should name him Karlo. He said this because he has this comic, that has a criminal named Kater Karlo, which means Cat Karlo.

A picture of my family, I would take this anywhere. Why? Because its my family, I love them. I mean, yes, I get angry at them sometimes, but who doesn’t. I mean, my mom and my dad brought me to the world, and I’m a triplet. My mom told me once that I was lucky to even be alive. She says that most kids don’t make it, and I’m a triplet! So there is a huge reason why I should be thankful to me mom and my dad. I should just love my brothers and sister because I am their family and they can always turn to me.

My cow cup, I love this cup. My parents got it for me recently. They went to the US together and saw the cup. Once they saw it they just couldn’t leave, they had to buy it. Once they got back they came back, and gave me the cup. Do you know the first think I did? I filled it with pink lemonade, that they also brought for me, and I drank from it.

A stuffed animal emu, hello? An emu is my favorite animal. Why? Well it all started in Australia. We were stopping at this tank station for something to eat and Anne and I saw an emu! Just walking around! Anne and I approached it. Anne was a little afraid of the emu, because when we went to the wildlife park, and one of the emus almost bit off her camera! So she doesn’t like them that much. Once we got close to it, it sat down. Anne thought that it was hungry so she gave him a leave of something. It didn’t like it but then I had an idea. I thought that if I showed it that I have nothing in my hands I could pet its head. I did that, and its head was super soft! I mean softer than the softest stuffed animal in the world, really! We had to leave later so Anne and I called him Edward, just like in my favorite book Edward the Emu. Now you understand why I love emus.

A picture of Germany, I love Germany, because, well, I am from Germany. Its in my blood yo! Well I was born in Germany in 1998. Once I was two, I moved to Qatar, after my grandmothers death. After 4 years I moved to Houston, Texas. I stayed there for about 3 years. Then I moved to Malaysia. I go to Germany every Christmas, and we try to go there every summer. We usually stay at my grandparents house. One thing we always have time for, is visiting friends and other family members. With them, I practice my German language, and come home with many new words. I’ve had a good life in Germany, and I hope it stays that way.

A picture of... snow? OK. You’re probably wondering, snow? Why snow? Well I love snow. I am even lucky enough to have even felt snow. some of my friends so far have heard of snow and are dying to see it. Well I love snow because its so white and fluffy and you can form pretty much anything from it. Sadly, in Germany, it doesn’t snow a lot while we visit. It still does, but not when we’re there. I haven’t had a white Christmas since I was 6, 6! I mean last Christmas it snowed a little before Christmas, but not on Christmas day or eve.

My ipod, “Sigh”. I adore everything about my ipod. The color, the type of ipod, the songs on my ipod, the way its designed, just everything. I got my ipod on Christmas day 1 year ago. (2009) The music on my ipod tells every thing about me, like, I have the song Viva La Vida on my ipod, which stands for Live Life, in Spanish. This doesn’t mean I like Spanish songs, it doesn’t even sound Spanish. I don’t use my ipod a lot anymore because my brother put all of his songs onto my ipod and he uses it everyday, so its pretty much his.

Laptops, they are great inventions, so... the person who made it, we all love you. Anyway, I got my laptop recently. In fact, I got December 12, 2009. I got it because, my dad was tired of hearing us complain about “ Anne got the computer first that's unfair” or”, “I really need to use the computer, may I use yours?”. He got really tired of that. So he thought of getting us all Laptops. He didn’t have to buy us all a new one, all he did was put names in a hat, and pulled one out for every computer. I got this one (Look at Picture). One reason why this is so special to me is that I have pictures of my best friend on here. Another reason I love this computer is, that I do everything on here. I even play games on this... sometimes. Not to mention, if I didn’t have this laptop right now, I would not have completed my homework so, YAY for Laptops!!!

Surprising how 10 items can say so much about me.

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